© 2009 Milton N. Bradley
On page 12, it should say "jump one", not "jump on".
Amend the language on page 67 to say "... three (3) times, with the same player to move."
On page 101, instead of "continues with 5.d5, d5", it should better say "continues with 5. cd ed"
On page 107, Diagram 36, it should say Black plays 4....Qb6, not ...Qc6.
On page 111, it should say Black plays 9....g4, not g5 which he already played on move 7.
On page 112, Dia. 40, it should say "11...f2+", not ...11..... "f7+". Later, the commentary following 13.Kd3 should be replaced by the following: "and now Black can simply take the Queen with 13....... Bd1. This leaves Black temporarily a piece up, White’s only developed piece (the Bishop on d8) en prise, while Black also has a potentially winning passed pawn on f2! So White’s game is very inferior, and no matter how he continues after this his prospects are poor."
On page 149, Diagram 52, it should say "sacrifice of 1.b4!", not "1.c4!"
On page 168, Diagram 83, it should say "then 3.Nc4 is checkmate", not "3. Nc6 is checkmate"
On page 224, Diagram 4, there are two places where it should say "Bc4+" and not "Bd4+".
On page 233, Diagram 17, it should say "the disastrous 13.....d6", not "13.....d3".
The book's sole significant problem exists in the exposition of the elementary checkmate with King and Rook on page 53, in which Diagram 35 was inadvertently omiited, with consequent garbling of the continuation, especially the omission of the important Rook "waiting move".
The corrected sequence from Dia 35 thru Dia 38 follows:
Finally, a last, non substantive error corection: The page headings on pages 164-173 were inadvertently retained from an earlier manuscript, from which ssome of this book's content was excerpted. Since this in
no way affects the book's content, it is, at worst, a cosmetic flaw.
Learn Chess Fast is published by Ishi Press International and as of May 2, 2009 is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and other major on line book sellers!
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