Important Stones Require Attention/Action! Unimportant Stones May Often Be safely Ignored. |
Stones Are Important Only To The Extent That They Significantly Influence Further Play |
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Diagram 1 In this early middle game between two 5D players, the only areas now fully controlled are A (Black) and B (White). They are somewhat different because although the Black “A” group is alive and takes about 8 points of territory, it’s almost completely contained and is therefore unimportant to the future course of play! The White “B” stones are somewhat important because they impact the adjacent still unsettled marked Black stones. Although Black almost has control of the C and D areas, both are still open to a White invasion so these stones are at least moderately important. The game’s main focus from this point on will center on the fact that each side has a large (marked), still unsettled group in the lower center. Black’s group has much better eyeshape, but White has more open space available, so there’s no real advantage on that score at the moment to either side. |
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Diagram 2 In this early middle game between two 1D players, the marked weak White and Black one point skips in the lower center and the two not yet settled Black and White groups to their left are not only important, but will form the focus of future action until their respective fates are resolved. |
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Diagram 3 In this game between a 9D and 7D, W80 completed the enclosure of the huge Black center group, thereby making it vulnerable to attack. With Sente, Black can easily secure his group, but unfortunately he missed the potential of the marked White stone and mistakenly believed that he was safe. So .... |
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Diagram 4 When B81 made the territorially large move on the right side, W82 - 92 shocked him by developing the marked White stone to cut the big Black center group apart, leaving it with portions already dead and the remainder with only one sure eye. So Black resigned. Instead of B81, if Black had recognized that he was so vulnerable to being cut apart, the simple play at 83 would have trapped the marked White stone, not only creating a sure eye for Black but also essentially unifying all his local forces. After that, given his solid positions in all 4 corners, the game would have favored him. |
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Diagram 5 In this early Fuseki position between two 5D players, B5 instead of the more customary B7 was a slightly atypical conclusion to the popular Joseki in the upper left corner. br> After this, if W6 at “a” to approach the upper right corner stone, B“b” would happily squeeze while creating an ideal Black formation in the upper left. So if White wants to prevent Black from getting too much territory locally that way, he has little choice but to invade with W6 as shown. |
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Diagram 10 B1 is an ideal multi-purpose move because it: - Provides eyespace for the Black stones to its left - Prevents the excellent W“a” (as just discussed). - Threatens to follow with B“c”, to seriously undercut (and attack) the still unsettled White 2-stone group to its right. B“b” instead would be a mistake because it would induce W“c”. Then if B 2, White would have Sente for W“a”and that would be bad for Black (as already noted). |
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Diagram 11 Both sides share the same key point here, although its implications are quite different for each. It would provide both shape and connectivity for Black if he can seize it, and make Black’s shape impossible if White can play there instead. |
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Diagram 12 If it’s Black’s turn, B1 would provide both ideal shape and connectivity, making Black very strong locally. But it was White’s turn, so ... |
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Diagram 13 After W1 on the key point destroys Black’s shape, it’s necessary for him to defend in order to assure the connection between the two marked stones and his main force, to prevent White from capturing them to make a big lower side territory. White’s threat is to cut via W“a”, B“b”, W“c”, or W“a”, B“c”, W“b”, so let’s see how Black should best play now to ensure his connection and prevent White’s big local gain. |
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Diagram 14 The first idea that might occur is to play B1, which will undoubtedly induce W2 to give White shape and some territory, while also ensuring that Black stays confined. Then B3 makes a “bamboo joint”, assuring a virtual connection, but in Gote. The problem with this for Black is that, if later B“a”, depending on what’s going on elsewhere on the board White may not feel constrained to answer at “b” in order to ensure Black’s confinement! So instead ... |
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Diagram 15 Best for Black is to begin with the Knight’s Move of B1 here, because now W2 is forced, else B2 connects out. Then after W4 and B5, this position is identical with Dia 14 except for the addition of B1 and W2. But that exchange favors Black, because B1 is a cutting stone which may later either cause White problems or force him to expend resources to ensure its capture, while W2 merely adds an insignificant amount of extra strength to an already very solid White formation! The difference between Dia 14 and 15 may be small and subtle, but it’s the kind of thing that not only wins close games, but also distinguishes really strong players from ordinary ones! |
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Diagram 16 At the moment, both of the marked stones are unsettled, but whoever gets to play at “a” will instantly make his own stone strong and seriously weaken the opponent’s. So this is a key point for both sides which takes priority, and must not be missed! |
Urgent Moves Before Big Moves |
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Diagram 17 In this game between two mid-single digit Kyu players, when B1 was played White should have answered with W“a” to secure some eyespace as well as his center connection for his 4 stones at the top. Instead, he foolishly ignored the safety of this weak group to play the territorially big W2 on the right side. |
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Diagram 18 After the mistaken W2, B3-7 severely punished White’s failure to secure his center connection by cutting his formation apart and winning 5 stones with enormous profit, forcing White’s resignation only a few moves later. |
The Relative Strength And Importance Of Stones Constantly Changes, And Therefore Must Be Reappraised Before Every Move! |
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Diagram 19 As things stand now, the marked 3 stone White wall seems not only strong (it has 6 liberties and a large adjacent open area), but it’s also unquestionably considered very important by both players because it sketches out the beginnings of a huge White moyo on the lower side, in conjunction with the two Whites on the right. But watch how that appraisal changes in what follows, as both sides evaluated the evolving dynamics as they continued from this position. |
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Diagram 20 Black concluded that, despite appearances, the 3 marked White stones were vulnerable, so he attacked very aggressively with B1 to prevent them from readily making a base and too much secure territory on the lower edge. W2 counter-squeezed B1, because at the moment that lone Black stone is weaker than the 3 stone White group! His objective was to prevent Black’s easily making a base for that lone stone, while beginning to sketch out a substantial White territory between W2 and the lower right corner stones. |
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Diagram 21 The result: The formerly important 3 White stones have become Black prisoners, but in return White has consolidated about 30 points of territory in the lower right corner! |