Strong Stones Are An Advantage |
Weak Stones Are A Disadvantage |
Diagram 1Although the White corner stones are almost completely enclosed, they’re safe and strong because there is no way that Black can directly prevent them from making two eyes! The problem with White’s strength here is that, except for the territory enclosed it’s essentially wasted, because these stones are almost completely cut off from any interaction with the remainder of the board. (So in the sense of the last chapter, these stones are unimportant!) |
Diagram 2When W2 is distantly squeezed by B3, making contact via W4 on the 3-3 point begins several popular Joseki variants. In this variant, after the W8, B9 exchange White’s shape is good and he may safely play elsewhere, because either W“a” or “b” will assure his two eyes! |
Diagram 3The White corner is large enough and configured well enough that it’s virtually as strong as if it already had eyeshape. As things stand, with even minimally correct play White is assured of being able to make 2 eyes despite any Black attack. |
Diagram 4 The upper left corner of this Fuseki, contested in the 2006 North American Masters tournament between Ming Jiu Jiang 7P (Black) and Z Chen 6D (White), shows a not uncommon type of local resolution, in which Black has created superb thickness (and a burgeoning left side moyo in conjunction with his B5-11 stones below), in return for White’s large profit in both the upper and lower left corners. |
Diagram 5 At the moment, the virtual connection between White’s three marked stones and his two-eyed corner group is safe because if B“a”, W“b”, B“c”, W“d” connects. But this connection is not absolutely secure, because, if played as a Ko threat that White can’t afford to answer, any of B“a”, “b”, “c” or “d” will set up a cut. So this situation will have to be carefully watched by both sides until it’s definitively resolved. |
Diagram 6 The marked White stones have the beginnings of both shape and modest territorial enclosure, plus free center access. So they are safe for the moment. But until the local situation is definitively resolved, White must be wary of their being later undercut, separated, and/or enclosed. |
Diagram 7 The Black stones both above and below the 3 Whites are relatively strong because they have reasonable eyemaking potential at the edge. The Whites are somewhat weaker because it’s somewhat harder to make eyes in the center. But the White stones are far from being completely without resources, because they aren’t anywhere near being enclosed. They have lots of room to run (to “a”), or to make eyespace and shape if necessary, beginning with either “b”, “c”,“d”, “e”, or “f”as appropriate to the overall global position. Because these stones are currently far from being settled, White must continue to monitor this situation very carefully, especially if B“a” is played. |
Dia 11 11 The two point skip between the W2 and W4 is weak because it can easily be cut if Black moves first! But it’s still joseki
because doing so will not necessarily be profitable. Dia 12 B1 is the correct way to begin, and after the strong hane of W2 the drawbacks of B3 and W4 naturally follow. After that, the cut of B5 separates White. But after B9 and W10 the overall result is considered even, and that’s why the 2 point skip in Dia 11 is Joseki! |
Dia 13 This is the beginning of a “the main line” of a popular Joseki which frequently arises in both handicap and even games. When B2 squeezes W1, diving into the corner with W3 is one feasible (and common) way to proceed. After B4 and W5 the relevant question to our present interest is what Black should play next, and the 5-Liberty Criterion provides the answer! |
Diagram 15 Here B6 is played as a “Hane at the head of two stones”, a well known Tesuji which is often the best move, but which is a disastrous error in this position! The reason it’s wrong here is that it leaves the two stone B4 unit with only 4 liberties, and therefore “contact unstable” - i.e. lacking enough liberties to sustain a fight. An alert White will immediately take advantage of this via the Hane underneath of W7, followed by B8 and the two forced connections of W9 and B10. Then when W11 cuts, not only is B6 isolated, but (more important) the B4 -10 4-stone unit has only 3 liberties, and is in serious trouble! |
Dia 16 In this variation White gets an enormous corner by capturing the 5 B14-20 stones, and B“a”to trap the 3 White stones doesn’t work! So B“b” to escape is necessary. But this allows either W“a” or “c”, and then White’s prospects in the coming fight are at least as good as Black’s. Dia 17 This continuation is somewhat better for Black, although White is not only alive in the corner with the sequence B“a”, W“b”, B“c”, W“d”, but also has tremendous thickness in the center, while Black’s position is low on both sides. |